
Puidukoda updated LOGO

October 7, 2020

Dear customers and partners,

Puidukoda will go into autumn 2020 with a new modern and colourful logo.

We have decided to update our logo, and we’d like to introduce it to you:

With the changes, we want to show the strength of our brand and bring modernity and freshness to it.

As a company, Puidukoda is stronger than ever and continues the tradition of the planing industry in Karks.

From our beginning 23 years ago, Puidukoda remains a friendly, dynamic and constantly evolving company, which we feel our renewed style and the clean lines of our logo represent. Puidukoda is increasingly focusing on finishing products with higher quality and value.

WOOD FOR LIFE has remained as our core message as we increasingly believe that wooden products continue to have a positive impact on our employees, customers and the environment in general.

In the future, you may notice our new logo appearing on various marketing materials, packaging films, etc., as we replace them in an environmentally sustainable way.

We are extremely pleased with our new branding  and we hope you enjoy this along with us!
